Monday, July 07, 2008

Smoking or Non-Smoking

It's been awhile since I've been asked that question in the US, but I've been asked this question on more than one occasion in Tokyo. I have seen a lot of vending machines around the city, most of which offer water and other drinks for sale. I have also seen a few vending machines that sell cigarettes. I've also noted that cigarettes are relatively inexpensive. One of my standard price benchmarks when I travel is McDonalds. The extra value meals in Tokyo cost anywhere from 500 to 650 yen (about $5-6 with current exchange rates). A glass of orange juice at a restaurant has cost me 400 yen. Cigarettes sell in the vending machines for about 300 yen. Marlboro seems to be a very popular brand.

I had read that US big tobacco companies had shifted their attention to Asia. It would seem they have done so quite effectively.

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