Monday, November 21, 2011

UC Davis - Shame on You

On February 27, 2010, I wrote a blog post about riots near Berkeley. I noted that students who rioted ought to consider other options. I also noted the stark, jarring image of a line of riot police standing in front of a Bank of America symbol in the background. I wondered how this meme might transform over time. I find it disconcerting to say the least that responses to outrage against financial "services" companies have reached our current state of being.

The UC Davis pepper spray incident is horrific. Seeing students sitting peacefully in an act of protest -- and expression -- only to be pepper sprayed by a police officer apparently sanctioned by the University administration makes me angry. And it's not as if the other police on the scene -- armed for a massive riot scene rather than a student protest -- acted much better. The most passionate response from the students and onlookers was to yell "shame on you."

Apparently, UC Davis' Chancellor, Linda Katehi, was frightened about a "walk of shame" that students had planned for her as she walked to her car. She asked a minister to walk with her and intervene in terms of clearing out a wider path. The students apparently greeted her in silence that spoke volumes. No doubt the students who were pepper sprayed, dragged around, shoved to the ground and hauled away were frightened as well. Who came to their rescue? The only ones who haven't been offensive in this picture are the students. Katehi was afraid of them? Everyone has a right to be safe and secure but she had no evidence of impending confrontation. Is this her idea of leadership?

Katehi apparently mentioned the lack of options for handling the initial protest. How about talking to the students? You know, the ones whose welfare and interests you're supposed to represent and protect.

Shame on you.
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