Tuesday, September 08, 2009

Et tu, Chipotle?

I recently wrote about my reactions to Food Inc and new decisions about eating choices and behavior. Part of the change includes eating more at Chipotle (which sponsored Food Inc.). Now I have read an article about Chipotle's apparent unwillingness to work with the Florida-based Coalition of Immokalee Workers (CIW) toward improving working conditions for migrant workers. I joked with one of my friends that since I have seen Food Inc. but have not seen The Cove, the only food I can eat is dolphin ;-)

Why is it so hard to identify a meal that ultimately doesn't harm someone or some animal?

1 comment:

David Reynolds said...

This is very disturbing. Chipotle has built its following on the notion of "Food with Integrity", and they are not exactly following their own advice. I hope that they change their minds or at least offer a good explanation of what they are doing for migrant workers.

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